Albert ChurchwardThe Origin of Man
820,000BCE & Beyond

Dr. John Henrik ClarkeA Great and Mighty Walk

Brhombicosidodecahedron: Find your connection

Our company name, Brhombicosidodecahedron (also called “Brhombic”) is derived from the geometric Archimedean solid, the rhombicosidodecahedron. One of thirteen convex isogonal non-prismatic solids, it is constructed of two or more types of regular polygon faces, it has 20 regular triangular faces, 30 square faces, 12 regular pentagonal faces, 60 vertices, and 120 edges. What makes this so unique, is the fact that no matter the shape, somewhere there is a connection to others.

The “B” in our company name is meant to represent the joining of black culture with others around the world; to re-connect all people with their native roots to Africa; The great motherland and birthplace of all mankind. As history teaches, the human race started in Africa. Man walked out of Africa onto the other continents. As a result, all people can trace and/or connect their genes back to the first humans on earth.

As the leading scholarly historical repository, housing the most comprehensive database of content reflective of all people, we are proud to be bridging the gap which divides mankind and separates us from our origins. Once we realize that somewhere in the scope of humanity, we are all interconnected, it is then that all people will reclaim their rightful place in history.


The energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship. – Dr. Brené Brown



Dr. Welsing
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Africa World Press and Red Sea Press

In business since 1983, our mission is to provide high quality literature on the history, culture, politics of Africa and the African Diaspora. You will find that our books enlighten, educate and engage.

African American Registry

The most comprehensive online database resource of African American heritage in the world.

Third World Press Foundation

Third World Press Foundation provides quality literature that primarily focuses on issues, themes, and critique related to an African American public. Founded by Haki R. Madhubuti in 1967, it is the oldest black owned book publisher in the USA.

ABHM – America’s Black Holocaust Museum

Years ago, Dr. True had the privilege of meeting Dr. James Cameron and his wife, and of visiting the first stages of the museum (which, at the time, was located in a small house). Since then, Dr. Cameron’s vision has grown into a global tourist attraction which acknowledges the struggles and atrocities against African people, while promoting racial repair, reconciliation and healing. We highly recommend that people of all cultural and religious backgrounds visit and experience this historical and memorable museum in person and/or access their 3300+ exhibits in cyberspace.

Above Ground Emancipation Movement

The Above Ground Emancipation Movement (AGEM) is a national effort to develop, implement, and replicate a communal intervention/system of care to impact the mental/spiritual healing of Black Americans. The intention is also to interface with other activism efforts to impact racial justice and freedom for Black people once and for all.

Black Past, an online reference center makes available a wealth of materials on African American history in one central location on the Internet. These materials include an online encyclopedia of over 4,000 entries, the complete transcript of more than 300 speeches by African Americans, other people of African ancestry, and those concerned about race, given between 1789 and 2016, over 140 full text primary documents, bibliographies, timelines and six gateway pages with links to digital archive collections, African and African American museums and research centers, genealogical research websites, and more than 200 other website resources on African American and global African history.
Arts & Humanities
Lasana D. Kazembe: Opera House to Clubhouse
Lasana D. Kazembe: Opera House to Clubhouse
Watch the full performance of “Voodoo of Hell’s Half-Acre:“ the Travelin’ Genius of Richard Wright from Natchez to Chicago, a Blues Poetry Opera, as experienced in our previous “True Talks with Dr. True“ lecture and Q&A session.
Fine Art & Custom Framing
Links to the works of Frank Morrison, Kathleen Atkins Wilson, Ted Ellis, Leroy Campbell, Alonzo Adams, Kolongi, Leroy Poncho Brown, William Tolliver, Heritage Art, and more.




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