Our company name, Brhombicosidodecahedron (also called “Brhombic”) is derived from the geometric Archimedean solid, the rhombicosidodecahedron. One of thirteen convex isogonal non-prismatic solids, it is constructed of two or more types of regular polygon faces, it has 20 regular triangular faces, 30 square faces, 12 regular pentagonal faces, 60 vertices, and 120 edges. What makes this so unique, is the fact that no matter the shape, somewhere there is a connection to others. The “B” in our company name is meant to represent the joining of black culture with others around the world; to re-connect all people with their native roots to Africa; The great motherland and birthplace of all mankind. As history teaches, the human race started in Africa. Man walked out of Africa onto the other continents. As a result, all people can trace and/or connect their genes back to the first humans on earth. As the leading scholarly historical repository, housing the most comprehensive database of content reflective of all people, we are proud to be bridging the gap which divides mankind and separates us from our origins. Once we realize that somewhere in the scope of humanity, we are all interconnected, it is then that all people will reclaim their rightful place in history.
Dr. Phillip TrueThe Origin of Man
A Brief DescriptionAlbert ChurchwardThe Origin of Man
820,000BCE & BeyondColonial CrimesThe connection between
Human Zoos & RacismDr. Frances Cress WelsingThe Cress Theory
of Color Confrontation
& RacismDr. John Henrik ClarkeA Great and Mighty Walk
Brhombicosidodecahedron: Find your connection
Africa World Press and Red Sea Press
African American Registry
Third World Press Foundation
ABHM – America’s Black Holocaust Museum
Above Ground Emancipation Movement
Black Past
Technological Interests
Arts & Humanities
Copyright© 2021 Brhombicosidodecahedron, Inc.