The Cultural Relevance of the Great Year

by Leon Dixon, Jr. (2022)

There are several natural units of time that most people are aware of: the day (the length of time it takes for the earth to spin around its’ axis), the month (the length of time it takes for the moon to revolve around the earth), and the year (the length of time it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun). But as the earth is spinning around its’ axis, it is also revolving around its’ imaginary pole (allegedly pointing to the star Sirius) like a spinning top revolves around its’ imaginary pole. The length of time it takes for the earth to do this is approximately 26,000 years [about 25,920 years, estimates vary]. This is what is referred to as the “great year.”

After the Greeks, under Alexander, eventually conquered Kemet (Ancient Egypt), one of their Ptolemaic/astronomers asked the Kemetic high priest Manetho, to write a history of Kemet. He wrote a 36,000-year history, that included the current great year which began around 10,000+ years B.C. back through the preceding great year. (See The Osirian Legend, by Leon Dixon, pages 10 – 15.)

As the earthly year divided by 12 yields the approximate number of days in the months of the earthly year, the great year, which arbitrarily divided by 12 yields the approximate number of earthly years in what is referred to as an “age” (some say a “house”), between about 2,155 to 2,160 years (see Christianity Before Christ, by John G. Jackson, p.183-184).

Whereas the knowledge of the months in an earthly year are obtained from astrophysics and astronomy, the classification of the “ages” of the great year are obtained from mythology. The beginning of the earthly year is set on January 1 because that is when the earth is closest to the sun in its’ revolution around it. The beginning of the great year is set approximately around 10,858 B.C. because that is when the rays of the sun are most perpendicular to Kemet. The first month of the earthly year is named after the Roman god “Janus” because it has two faces symbolizing looking back on the old year and forward to the new year.

Now to focus more on the cultural aspect of the great year, I choose to simplify the arithmetic, by approximating length of the great year by 26,000 years and 2,000 years for the ages. The current great year we are now in began around 10,000+ B.C. in the age of Leo, so named because that’s when the “lions” came to the Nile river seeking water to cool down. Subtracting 2,000+ from that yields the age of Cancer about 8,000+. 2,000+ years later yields the age of Gemini (the twins), around 6,000+ B.C. [An interesting cultural aspect of this is that on the equator the earth has two pole stars, one in the south, which is associated with Set (who Europeans identified with Satan), and another in the north associated with Horus (who Europeans also identified with Jesus).] Subtracting another 2,000+ years yields the age of Taurus (the bull) around 4,000+ B.C., and another 2,000+ years and we are at Aries (the ram) around 2,000+ B.C.

More “cultural” aspects: It is during this age when the biblical Moses descends from a mountain and is upset when he observes his people worshiping a bull. He chastises them because they were in the Rams’ age (recall the biblical phrase “the good shepherd”). Subtracting another 2,000+ years yields the age of Pisces (recall the biblical expression “fishers of men”) around the year zero A.D. And subtracting another 2,000+ years we are where we are now, as the song says “dawning on the age of Aquarius.”

Consider the following: 100 years is to 26,000 years what about 5.5 minutes is to a day and about 1.6 days is to an earthly year. Since most people do not live 100 years, this poses the question: If you only live for about 5.5 minutes, how long do you have to be around to be aware of and know about night and day, and if you only live about 1.6 days to be aware of and know about the four seasons? This alludes to the wisdom, intelligence and insight of our ancient Kemetic ancestors.

And there is yet another pertinent question suggested by the above discourse: How long did mankind have to be in existence to become knowledgeable of the “great year” and to develop a mythology based on it? Dr. Albert Churchward (1852-1925), a Mason and member of the Geological Society of London wrote in his book The Origin & Evolution of Religion (page 149) the following passage about ancient Egyptian religious cults that speaks to this:

The Solar Cult lasted about 100,000 years and the Lunar before this for about 50,000 years.

The Stellar Cult was anterior to both of these, and lasted at least 300,000 years; how much longer it is impossible to say, but from remains found of the Stellar Cult people in Pliocene Strata formations they were in existence at least 600,000 years ago.

It is also noteworthy to point out what he writes on pages 151 & 152:

There are records left by Stellar Cult people of ten great years; no record of time could be made until the great Pyramid was built and the Priests had carefully recorded the time accurately in the precession of the seven Pole Stars—by observation year after year, as seen and noted through the great tube which was built to observe and record the time. It would have been impossible to obtain accuracy otherwise.

Therefore, it must have been built at least 269,870 years ago. This may be difficult for some people to believe but “Records of the Past” prove it.

Typical history books written for U.S. high school and college undergraduate courses covers only a few thousand years B.C. up to the present. This is the period when Europeans became of historical essence. But the above discourse clearly illustrates that African civilization has been around hundreds of thousands of years longer than that. And our worldwide communities in general and youth in particular clearly need to be made aware of this.

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